List “By Owner” On For a Flat Fee!
List “By Owner” On For a Flat Fee! | Flat rate listing
0% listing Commission | No Hidden Fees 100% Guarantee | 1000’s of homes Listed |
0% Listing Commission. No Hidden Fees.
We are available Monday-Friday 9am-6pm EST, and Saturday/Sunday 9am-3pm.
“Offered by Brokerless, Inc., a Florida licensed real estate brokerage firm (license# CQ1026651
RE Corp).” Jack Laufer, Lic. Real Estate Broker. 305-772-1173
The Flat Fee MLS service that we provide denotes that you, acting as seller, fill out forms so that a licensed Broker can submit your property data into the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Therefore, you, acting as seller, will not be granted direct computer access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Furthermore, no listing form filed with any multiple listing service will serve to establish, directly or indirectly, any contractual relationship between the multiple listing service and you (buyer or seller).All commissions are negotiable as a matter of law.
Florida Limited Service, a/k/a By Owner Flat Fee MLS, is an online marketing platform designed to merge flat-fee MLS real estate brokerage with sellers of real property. We help buyers and sellers connect with real estate brokers who offer “fee for service” or “flat fee MLS” throughout the entire state of Florida. We make listing on the local MLS easy. Our flat fee MLS broker affiliates offer state of the art technology that creates transparency between prospective buyers and sellers when communicating.