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List For Fee Realtor.com

August 3rd, 2010

Florida Flat Fee MLS is an alternative to the traditional real estate model where the seller typically pays a 5%-6.5% commission.

Brokerless has developed a platform that gives its Florida web customers the ability to submit their own listings, via the website, and have the data transmitted directly to the listing affiliate Broker.

The flat fee that the seller pays replaces the much higher listing fee, usually 2.5% to 3.5% of the sales price, that the seller otherwise would pay if using a full service Listing Broker.

As a result, the seller will not have to pay, at closing, additional fees to the listing broker that are typically based on the contract selling price. The seller will be required, however, to offer compensation to a buyer’s agent, otherwise known as a cooperating broker. We recommend usually 2%-3%.

Buyers and Buyer’s agents will work directly with the seller, potentially saving the seller thousands of dollars in commissions. If the seller conveys title without the assistance of a Buyer’s Agent, then the seller will not have to pay a commission on his/her transaction, making it an entirely Brokerless transaction.

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